Welcome to Nazeing Chapel

Welcome to our website, and we would love to welcome you to our Church. The Church has a long history from around 1795 and to this day seeks to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. Many things have changed over the previous two hundred years but the message we preach hasn’t changed in all this time and it hasn’t changed since the days of the early church.

A giant from a previous century was John Eliot, who spent some of his childhood in Nazeing but left with the pilgrims to escape persecution. He was one of four translators of the Bay Book of Psalms, the first book to be printed in America. We are seeking as a church to love the Psalms like he did. We also sing a mixture of older hymns and recent worship songs.

We have a Psalm for the year, Psalm 142 and our prayer is that this year we will learn something more about praying in caves! This was preached on the 5th January and our prayer is that the Psalm will be a great blessing as we go through the year.

We have returned once again to the Book of Exodus, continuing out theme on the Greatness and Glory of God

Why not have a listen on our You Tube Channel or the audio on the website?

Why not join us if you live in the area, or have a listen to our online service for those who can’t attend.

We are an independent evangelical church and belong to a larger group called the Evangelical Fellowship of Congregational Churches


If you have any questions we would love to talk. You can email us at info@nazeingcongregationalchurch.co.uk
