Pastor Andrew Price
Hello I’m the Pastor of Nazeing Congregational Church, I’m originally from Shropshire and moved here from Colchester where I had two roles, a part time pastor at Prettygate Baptist Church and part time as a postman.
I grew up in a Christian home and always knew I wasn’t a Christian, but equally I always planned to become a Christian at some point. The Bible speaks of a day when Jesus will return, and my plan was to quickly become a believer when I saw it happen! Then, on the 25th November 1975 at a children’s club run by my Dad, he spoke on a verse of the Bible:
Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.
– 1 Corinthians 15:51-52
I realized my plan wouldn’t work, a twinkling of an eye! I decided that night to follow Jesus.
We are a welcoming church, a typical service will have a children’s talk a mixture of old and new songs, a couple of Bible readings and some prayer. We don’t take up an offering, we won’t make you pray, you can just come and watch and join in if you want. A service will last approximately an hour, sometimes it will go on a bit longer but not often. Every week I will take a passage from the Bible and preach from it, our current series is from Exodus. Why not try us out?
I’ve been happily married to Deb since 1988 and have three grown up children and three grandchildren. We are seeking to spread the good news of Jesus Christ into the village of Nazeing.